The Chronicles of Travelling Steve

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Temporary obstruction

Canada geese on the 6th green
Some of the difficulties of playing golf in Alberta. I don't know how we put up with it :-)

Friday, July 14, 2006

It's a girl!

Our friends Heather and Jesse had a little girl this afternoon and called her Eleanor Emma Stewart. She weighed in at 6lb 6oz and measured 20" long. So it's not only Bastille Day today it's Baby Day!

Three in one day, it won't be hard to remember these little ones' birthdays in the future! We're really happy that everyone is safe and healthy and hopefully we'll be seeing these tiny new additions in the not too distant future.

It's a boy!...oh's another boy!

Kerstie delivered identical twin boys today after a long labour and eventually had a C-section when the uterine muscles got too tired, packed up their bags and went home. They both weighed in at 7lb 10oz! They are both adorable with strawberry blonde hair and the instant doubling of the family has brought much joy both to those down in Medford and the rest of us up in Edmonton.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Roma bounty

Roma tomatoes

These lovely fruits were eaten in a very tasty bruschetta with fresh basil from the plant in the pot behind them.

Tomato halves

Tomato halves
The two halves of the summer bounty from our balcony. These cherry tomatoes didn't quite go red but they tasted delicious!