Adams Lake with the lads
After the festivities of the party it was time to take the family out to the lake. Only problem was - it's a little difficult fitting two baby car seats, 5 adults, bouncy chairs, cribs, baby clothes, adult clothes and food for two weeks all into one van. And the thought of taking an 8 hour drive in the aforementioned van with 6 week old twins who need breaks every 2-3 hours at a minimum just didn't seem like a bright idea. So Ken, Bonnie and Col travelled out by van while Kerstie and I got to travel in the lap of luxury on a plane with the lads. As scary as that idea sounds to someone who's only had limited experience looking after very young babies it turned out to be a very easy trip. The thing with babies this young is that they love to sleep and are especially easy to get to sleep if there's lots of white noise, vibration, motion and close quarters. Enter the turbo-prop DH 400 which should be advertised as a dual purpose people mover and baby calmer. It may not be the most pleasant environment for grown adults, but the lads just loved it, so we flew in relative calm and peace to Calgary whereupon we scared half the terminal with the cries and wails from the restrooms as the boys got changed and fed ("Please don't let them be on my plane" "Better you than me" "Why do I always get the crying babies?"). Little did they know that as soon as we took off the lads would be back in la-la land - which they were.
Instead of the usual activities at the lake: cards, snoozes, reading books, waterskiing, food, snoozes; we enjoyed some new and exciting things to occupy our time: changing the green oozing diaper, taking the late night feeding shift, listening to baby monitors, endless bouncing on the ball, marching on the beach with the snuggly and enormous amounts of cuddles, love and general baby happiness.

Gumper marching two by two on the beach
Instead of the usual activities at the lake: cards, snoozes, reading books, waterskiing, food, snoozes; we enjoyed some new and exciting things to occupy our time: changing the green oozing diaper, taking the late night feeding shift, listening to baby monitors, endless bouncing on the ball, marching on the beach with the snuggly and enormous amounts of cuddles, love and general baby happiness.

Gumper marching two by two on the beach