The Chronicles of Travelling Steve

Wednesday, July 21, 2004


Summer in Canada. Think sunshine all day long. All day and all night. It never gets truly dark. Not really. So you come home at what feels like 6pm and it's actually 10pm and all of a sudden it's bedtime and then you wake up when the sun comes up and it's only 4am. Despite these extremely lengthened days and a weird sense of having all the time in the world to do anything you want there's another huge bonus to being in Canada during summer and it can be summed up in one word. Berries. Blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, saskatoons, pretty much any berry you can think of is going nuts at the moment and they're big and yummy and delicious. And the bears love them as well so they're often seen on the side of the road in the wild blackberry patches having an absolute gorge fest. Here is an example of the quality and size of the blueberries that we get (keeping in mind that blueberries are my absolute favourite berry of all time at the moment)

Punnet of blueberries...

And here's the kicker. This enormous punnet, weighing in at 1.25kg, of the largest lushest tastiest blueberries I've ever had the fortune to taste cost us $7. Canadian dollars. Which is about $7.05 AUD. Colour me the happiest little berry eating munchkin this side of the Rockies right now! So this is what I've been having a lot for breakfast in the mornings...

In they go...

Breakfast smoothie to go...

Life is good.


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