The Chronicles of Travelling Steve

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Hibernate or estivate?

OK, time to shake off the winter hibernation lack of content and start kicking this thing into spring fever. I almost came out of sleepytime two weeks ago when the weather got into double digits and the fingers started to thaw out for typing but then the cruel fancies of whichever god or goddess that is in charge of spring decided that snow would be a good idea. I disagreed violently, but no-one said I ever had any influence in these matters. Now however, it's warm, sunny and hopefully going to stay that way and it is more than past time to start writing in the blog again.

For those of you still vainly checking in every now and again hibernation is what the bears around here do all winter long and it's what they're starting to come out of in the warmer areas around B.C. at about this time. You can spot them on the highway normally in the ditches on the side of the road munching on the skunk cabbage which is usually the first really juicy green leafy stuff available before the berries really start growing. This makes the journey out to the lake that much more enjoyable as you play spot the large brown furry thing in the shadows on the side of the road. Good for keeping alert and for keeping the car intact, those suckers are a lot heavier than kangaroos and I imagine would do quite a bit more damage if they ambled into your path.

Estivation on the other hand is according to the dictionary

  • To spend the summer, as at a special place.

  • Zoology. To pass the summer in a dormant or torpid state.

I prefer definition 1 myself and plan on estivating as much as possible this summer. I can't off the top of my head think of a single zoological critter that would possibly want to spend all summer sleeping underground, makes no sense, but if there's a zoology term for it then it must happen right?

So enough of the preamble, there'll be more posts to come later this week as I attempt to catch up on some of the exciting and interesting things that have happened in the 5 months since I last posted.

Stay tuned...


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