We Love Katamari
So we've been incredibly strong lately, having bought the sequel to Katamari Damacy six weeks ago and not playing it until Friday. The original PS2 game was hellaciously addicitive and fun and we decided to have a launch party for the sequel, titled appropriately We Love Katamari. We had friends around, drank beer, ate munchies and delicious okonomiyaki cooked by my talented wife and had turns rolling shit up in all sorts of weird and wonderful landscapes. The school, underwater, in the snow, in a firefly glade and most infuriatingly of all - rolling a ball of flame and trying to keep it on fire by feeding it more stuff. Too much fun, and a great night in with friends. It appears that the Friday Night Go-Out theory works if you stay-in but have lots of people over. Lucky that daylight saving ended this morning giving me a whole extra hour to try and beat that stupid cowbear level. Na nah.....na na na na na na...na na na na na nah!