Way too early in the morning
So this is where all those authors and uber bloggers get all their creativity and time from. They travel halfway around the world every two of three days and are in a perpetual state of jetlag. This means being wide awake at ungodly hours of the morning and having a brain going a million miles an hour way way before it's supposed to be. Hence the tremendous ouput of words and thoughts to teh internets. Very clever of them but I've caught them at their game and will be cashing in soon on my new found knowledge. Hopefully cashing in enough to finish those 12 draft posts I have lying around for everything that's been going on in the last 8 months. For now though you just get the mindless outpourings of a very time displaced me. And maybe some photos. Yes, photos are good. I don't have any of Leipzig yet, but I've put some piccies about the trip that made me happy up on Flickr.

First view of Germany

First view of Germany
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