The Chronicles of Travelling Steve

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Summer skies

Another bonus of living in Edmonton during summer is the stunning skylines. Not the city, but the line of clouds that only a prairie sky can generate and which we see approaching us out of our balcony from the west.

One morning I woke up, looked outside and there were balloons! Felt just like I was back in Canberra, but in the winter time. Of course if you tried to launch a hot air balloon here in the winter when it was -25 degrees it would probably fly directly up to about 30,000m and you'd die of oxygen starvation if you hadn't already frozen to death so summer seems to be the balloon season here.


And then in the afternoons, if it's been particularly warm as it has been for the last week or so, the thunderclouds roll in and we get some spectacular displays of nature at its finest. Bearing in mind here that when I say particularly warm I'm talking about temperatures between 25 and 32 but with a huge humidity of something like 75%. And considering that it's normally around 20% humidity here in summer and less than that in the winter, that's saying something. I know, I know, I'm going soft but I tell you, when the flat is so insulated from cold it's ridiculous and you can't get the heat out, 32 can be pretty brutal...

Summer skies...


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