Photography course
With a buggered knee and no chance of any more snowboarding or tele skiing this season, thoughts turn to what to do with myself to keep the winter from turning me into a complete madman. I still love the snow and welcome it when it falls, but there's not quite as much enthusiasm as before even if it does mean good things for the farmers and wildlife come spring when it all starts to melt.
A photography course was high on my list of things to do when I first got to Edmonton, but also one of those things that takes up a fair bit of time and was easy to put off until "next time they offer the course". Now that I can't do yoga on Thursdays I've finally got around to signing up for a Fundamentals of Photography course at the local continuing education centre. So there may be lots of interesting photos coming up on Flickr in the near future as I learn all sorts of interesting things about depth of field, shutter speed, composition and just how cool the old 35mm manual cameras still are compared to the new auto-everything ones. Luckily I've got access to one of each so can use whichever one is more appropriate at the time.

Sometimes the sunset is just that little bit better than you could imagine
It will also give me a lot more to think about when deciding on what sort of digital camera to get to replace the current Sony which seems to be on the fritz at the moment and unable to recognise its own memory sticks. Frontrunners now will be ones that allow me to control most of the more technical aspects of the photo (shutter speed, aperture or both) as well as having decent automatic settings and a good zoom. AA batteries would be a bonus too - having had far too many low battery issues with the current camera, especially in really cold conditions.
A photography course was high on my list of things to do when I first got to Edmonton, but also one of those things that takes up a fair bit of time and was easy to put off until "next time they offer the course". Now that I can't do yoga on Thursdays I've finally got around to signing up for a Fundamentals of Photography course at the local continuing education centre. So there may be lots of interesting photos coming up on Flickr in the near future as I learn all sorts of interesting things about depth of field, shutter speed, composition and just how cool the old 35mm manual cameras still are compared to the new auto-everything ones. Luckily I've got access to one of each so can use whichever one is more appropriate at the time.

Sometimes the sunset is just that little bit better than you could imagine
It will also give me a lot more to think about when deciding on what sort of digital camera to get to replace the current Sony which seems to be on the fritz at the moment and unable to recognise its own memory sticks. Frontrunners now will be ones that allow me to control most of the more technical aspects of the photo (shutter speed, aperture or both) as well as having decent automatic settings and a good zoom. AA batteries would be a bonus too - having had far too many low battery issues with the current camera, especially in really cold conditions.
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